
Gen MZ Co Len Installment Account is a typical saving product, which let customers especially MZ generation can save money in a long period to achieve their goals in future.

** MZ generation stands for Millennials and Zoomers generation, who are borned from the early 1980s to the early 2010s.


Currencies: VND

Opening channel: only applied on SOL app

Variable tenors: 12, 24 and 60M

Interest payment: at maturity

Installment cycle: One time per month

Minimum balance for opening account: VND 500,000

Monthly installment amount: Fixed amount, Min VND 500,000 to Max VND 5,000,000

Deposit channels: Transfer via IB/SOL or auto transfer service

Auto Closure at maturity

Required Documents

Valid ID Card/Passport

Valid VISA/Resident Card, Labor contract, Address proof document (for foreigner)

Terms and Conditions apply

  Please refer here.