
Napas E-commerce service by Shinhan ATM card enables customers to make payments with Shinhan ATM cards on e-commerce websites, which provide online payment function or top-up into the E-wallets, linked with Napas.

Eligible customers

Individual customers holding Shinhan domestic ATM cards and registered online payment service with Shinhan Bank

Transaction limit

Minimum VND 2,000/transaction

Maximum VND 30,000,000/day

Service fee

Free of charge


Customers can register for the service and make online payments with Shinhan domestic ATM cards by either of the following ways

Register at the counters

Personally visit the nearest Shinhan Bank’s branches/transaction offices and fill in the online payment registration form:

  • For new customers who haven’t had Shinhan ATM cards: ATM issuance application
  • For existing customers who are holding Shinhan ATM cards: Account and ATM card management application

Register via Internet Banking/Mobile Banking SOL

Với Internet Banking:

Mobile Banking SOL Log in Mobile Banking SOL and access to the link: Home > Card > Register/Cancel online payment service

Payment process

Step 1: Access to the merchant’s website to select products, services and choose the payment method with Shinhan domestic ATM cards via Napas payment portal

Step 2: At the Napas payment portal, customers provide the following required information:

  • Bank’s name
  • Cardholder’s name
  • ATM card number
  • ATM card validity period

+ ATM chip card: Issuance date and expiry date

+ ATM magnetic card: Issuance date


  • If the input ATM card information is not valid or the card is not eligible for making payments, the system will report the error warning on the interface of Napas payment portal
  • If the input ATM card information is valid and the payment is eligible, the customer will be navigated to the OTP authentication page.

Step 3: Enter OTP code which is sent to customer via SMS message and CAPCHA code to authenticate the transaction. After completing the transaction, the amount will be deducted from the account linked to the corresponding ATM card.

(*) List of merchants' website linked with Napas, please visit here.