Shinhan CMS service is cash management service that is experienced through a website platform developed and managed by third-party(s) which enables organization customers to use diversified Shinhan Bank’s service such as account management, payment, transfer, collection (bulk collection, virtual code), ...via APIs and sFTP connection with the bank.
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Shinhan CMS Vendor
Business Overview
Info Plus specializes in providing ICT and Fintech services and solutions based on Banking-as-a-service, Open API
1. The leading cash flow management solution for businesses
Info Plus provides integration with the business's operating system, making cash flow management extremely simple but detailed on each transaction. In addition to optimizing operations, all information will be kept absolutely confidential.
2. Benefits
For Corporate Customer
- Real-time cash flow management system and debt tracking
- Auditing and accounting reports tailored to business needs
- Provide features to help businesses remind customers when necessary, ensure debt collection, proactively manage business cash flow
For Individual Customer
- No need for complicated notes
- Transfer money through any bank.
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