
Free installment deposit account is a type of account allows Customer to accumulate the flexible amount from Customer’s idle money with flexible term to obtain Customer’stargeted saving amount in the future.

Available currency: VND, USD

Variable tenors: 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months

Installment cycle: Flexible

Installment amount: Flexible and minimum VND 100,000 or USD 10

Interest repayment: Interest is paid once on the maturity of the Installment account

Deposit channels: Transfer at counter or via Internet Banking


Free opening account fee

Attractive and competitive interest rate

Flexible term

Required documents

Application form for Opening Account, download here

Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC)/Investment Registration Certificate (IRC)

Tax Code Certificate (if any)

Seal and Seal Certificate (if any)Seal and Seal Certificate (if any)

Documents to define lawful representative/Authorized person and ID card/Passport

Documents to define Chief Accountant/Person in charge of Accounting/Authorized Accountant and ID card/Passport (if any)