
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Vietnam means the transfer of capital for investment and participation in the management of investment activities in Vietnam by foreign investors.
Direct investment capital account (DICA) means foreign currency or Vietnam dong demand accounts opened by FDI enterprises or foreign investors at licensed banks to perform transactions regarding the foreign direct investment in Vietnam.


Eligible customer

  • Foreign Direct Investment Enterprises (FDI Enterprises)
  • Foreign investors who participate in Business Cooperation Contract (BCC) or directly implement Public – Private Partnership (PPP) projects without establishing project enterprises

Account Currency: VND, USD, EUR, JPY, CHF

Minimum account balance: Not required

Transaction method: Transfer through the Bank account

Note: Only 01 (one) DICA is opened for a foreign currency and all their DICAs must be opened and maintained at only 01 (one) licensed bank in Vietnam.

Required Document

Application form for Opening Account, download here

Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC)/Investment Registration Certificate (IRC), detail here

Tax Code Certificate (if any)

Seal and Seal Certificate (if any)

Documents to define lawful representative/Authorized person and ID card/Passport

Documents to define Chief Accountant/Person in charge of Accounting/Authorized Accountant and ID card/Passport (if any)