
Once again, our members from Shinhan Bank joined hands to cook 2,000-dong meals at Nu Cuoi 4 Foodstall, Dist. 4, HCMC, on September 24th.  This was the second time we carried on this activity. Our first time in 2016 was taken place by the last March.

Shinhan Bank has coordinated with Nu Cuoi 4 Foodstall to organize charity meals since 2015. Every three times of the year, Shinhan bank employees gathered at Nu Cuoi 4 and self-prepared lunches for poor people in the neighborhood.

This time, more than 30 Shinhan Bank members cooked and served 400 fried chicken rice meals for them. Each meal with vegetables, chicken, soup and rice was made sure to be not only tasty, but also full of nutrients with only 2,000 dong cost. 

These sharing meals was considered as a practical way to share the financial burden with low-income people. Besides 400 meals sponsor, Shinhan Bank also encouraged its employees to donate old clothes which later would be given to these “special customers”. Though the event lasted only in one Saturday morning but this charity activity certainly brought joy to the locals and also to Shinhan Bank members. This is one of the most favorite Shinhan charity activities among other community services programmes.