
Easily tuition payment, withdrawal and spending with contactless technology for Hutech students.

Top Reasons

No annual fee

No SMS service fee

No cash withdrawal fee at ATM’s Shinhan

Shinhan Point

  • Accumulate 0.1% Shinhan points for all eligible transactions by card
  • No minimum spending requirements
  • No limit for point accumulation
 For Terms and Conditions of Shinhan Point program, please click here

Insurance privileges

  • E-commerce Protection: Provide coverage against loss of purchases due to accidental damage or theft occurring within 180 days. Apply for all online transactions.
  • ATM Protection: Provide coverage against robbery occurring within 30 minutes of the cash withdrawal.
Please refer to the Insurance policy updated here

Shinhan Zone

Indulge yourself in a variety of exclusive discounts up to 50% at more than 200 Shinhan Zone merchants


Domestic resident or foreigner is a Hutech University’s student from over 15 years old having a payment bank account at Shinhan Bank Vietnam

(*) For further details, please contact your nearest Shinhan Bank Vietnam or contact 1900 1577

Required documents


Member application form


Member identity proof:

  • Vietnamese: A copy of ID card
  • Foreigner: Passport andVISA/Temporary resident card/Foreign Affair

Other documents:

May require for new customers in case of opening payment account

How to apply

Visit the nearest branch of Shinhan Bank Vietnam or contact 1900 1577 for detailed instruction