General Introduction

Aetna Ultracare is no ordinary healthcare insurance, it also helps you improve your overall health and provide support resources, to ensure you are always in the best physical and mental health condition

Coverage subject

Vietnamese citizens or foreigners

From 1 day to 70 years old (for new policy) and unlimited for renewed policy

Living in Vietnam for at least 06 months in a year of the policy

Coverage scope

Geographic scope: choose 1 of 7 regions, including Africa, Asia, and Middle East, Europe and Latin America, Australia, China, and worldwide

Comprehensive insurance benefits, including cancer treatment, inpatient, outpatient, mental, birth defects, etc.

Key features

Superior benefits

Very high coverage limits for treatment of critical diseases in countries with the most advanced health services

Globally covered, allowing customers to access modern medical services domestically and abroad

Cover full cost of cancer treatment

Emergency or non-emergency medical transportation for those who have to go abroad for inpatient, outpatient treatment or day treatment

Periodic health screening packages of up to USD 1,000/ year, including examination and vaccination costs

Optimized convenient service

Direct payment services for global inpatient costs; Outpatient cost guarantee in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia

Red 24/7 service – Emergency security rescue and rescue solution in life-threatening situations

Accept scanned documents for compensation claims via e-mail, no VAT invoice is required

Accept medical examination costs at a private doctor's clinic

24/7 hotline in Vietnam and worldwide

Clear, fast and transparent compensation procedures

Preferential premium and renewable commitment

Free insurance for 2nd, 3rd and 4th babies under 18 years old

Independent insurance for children from 0 to 17 years old

Commitment to renew contracts for individual customers

No increase in renewal fees in the event of an unfortunate health problem, for example, cancer (except for increased fees due to general medical inflation and age frame)

Reducing renewal fees up to 25% for customers who do not incur compensation during the previous insurance period

Continue providing service for customers migrating to another country without affecting insurance benefits